The Spanish Public Prosecutor José Manuel Maza, officially stated that all mayors who have signed motions in support of the Catalan self-determiantion Referendum on October 1st, will be summoned. Mr. Maza also ordered to the Catalan Police (Mossos d’Esquadra) to arrest those who will not comply. In the light of these statements, Candidatura d’Unitat Popular – Poble Actiu declares that:
-We will not comply with the summonses of the Public Prosecutor and we urge the rest of the political forces to do the same in accordance with the Law 19/2017 on the Referendum for the Self-Determination and with the democratic legitimacy given by the majority of the Catalan people, who want to vote on October 1st.
-We declare that the Public Prosecutor cannot give orders to arrest the mayors who will not comply with the summonses. Should he do so, he would exceed the limits of his capacities and he would violate fundamental rights, such as the right to freedom.
-We denounce the authoritarian attitude of the Spanish state in attacking fundamental rights by ordering arrests with the sole purpose of intimidating the population and its elected representatives.
-We will respond united, as we have always done, to the repressive strategy of the state in order to defend what we believe is a mandate given by the majority of the population in accordance with the inalienable right to self-determination of peoples.